Monday, July 28, 2008

Sustainability News Headlines - 7/28/2008

Thanks to everybody who stopped by our 'Ask a Sustainability Expert' information booth this past weekend at the North Beach Jazz Festival - we had a blast speaking with you about all things green!

I'm just about done catching up on news after being out of the office for much of the first half of the month. Wow, there's just so much positive momentum building towards a more sustainable society now than there was when we first started just a few years ago - it's taking awhile to get all the good stories posted to CVI's online library of sustainability!

Now on to today's news, below. Thanks for reading - much more to come...



News of Sustainability Benefiting People
About CV Notes' Sustainability News Headlines

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I'd agree, there is a lot of positive momentum building right now. I just ran across a new book that takes the sustainability argument to the individual level. I Am Sustainability: How The Human Body Can Save the Planet argues that we must work on making the individual a sustainable "self" before we can work on external matters like the environment and our consumer habits. Otherwise, we will never really address the root cause of our problems. I sure hope this momentum keeps going.
